Flue gas Heat Exchangers

Highly ver­sa­ti­le with a maxi­mum resis­tance and easy on main­ten­an­ce and cleaning.

Custom made solution

AFE flue gas Heat Exch­an­gers can be used in a wide varie­ty of sec­tors: for energy reco­very in oil, gas or coal-fired power sta­ti­ons, in inci­nera­ti­on plants and in gene­ral whenever acid dew points will be undershot.

For such app­li­ca­ti­ons, we deve­lop and pro­du­ce Heat Exch­an­gers with a maxi­mum of resis­tance. Con­ta­ct us – tog­e­ther we will find your custom made solution.

Energy savings by using flue gas heat

The energy con­tent of the flue gas can be used at various points in the flue gas line for energy saving pur­po­ses or to incre­a­se plant efficiency.

For this pur­po­se, the Heat Exch­an­ger must satisfy the necessa­ry requi­re­ments regar­ding tem­pe­ra­tu­re, cor­ro­si­on resis­tance and cleana­bi­li­ty on the flue gas side.

Wide range of applications

There are hardly any limits to the use of AFE flue gas Heat Exch­an­gers. They are suc­cess­ful­ly ond duty in for example: 


  • Oil- and coal-fired power sta­ti­ons and com­bi­ned hea­ting and power stations
  • Indus­tri­al furnaces
  • Waste- and toxic waste inci­nera­ti­on plants
  • Sludge incinerating/drying plants
  • Bio­mass furnaces
  • Che­mi­cal plants
  • Refi­ne­ries

More pro­ducts

Click through the world of Heat Exchangers

Mal­t­houses & drying plants

Glass tube Heat Exchanger 

Air tech­no­lo­gy

Air/air- and air/water Heat Exchanger

Clea­ning devices

Clea­ning devices for all types of installations